Thursday, March 4, 2010

Two for the price of One

The boys have been at it again – thickly laying on the cuteness. A couple episodes happened and both are worthy of blogworld so please bare with the lengthyness…

Our trips to and from school are usually filled with some sort of fun little conversations – Jace can be so smart and silly about things. Lately, with tax season in high gear, we‘ve been entertained at a busy intersection with some energetic sign spinners for a local tax service. These kids are great; they’re dressed up like Lady Liberty and are dancing around and beebopping to their itunes.

Yesterday on our way home from school Jace spots them again and asks why they are out there doing that. I explain that they are trying to get people to go to their business and have their taxes done.

Jace: What are taxes?

Me: Well, whenever we make money for our jobs, we have to give some of it to the government – that’s taxes.

Jace: (in an angry voice with his hand flapping) You mean, you have to just hand over money to the government even though they didn’t do anything to earn it?! Boy, I don’t ever want to be government!

Me (laughing): Yes, they get the money, but they use it for programs and to pay for things that we all use – like the playgrounds, they used our tax money to build it and take care of it.

Jace: Oh. Do they give money to the poor?

Me: Yep. They have programs that help out people who are poor.

Jace: Well then, I want to be government when I grow up so that I can help the poor. (insert proud mommy moment here!)

Me: You have to be elected. You have to tell people what you believe in and what you would do if you got the job, then get as many people as possible to vote for you.

Jace thinks about this for a moment and then asks.

“Mom, what does the President do?”

Maybe we have a future politician on our hands?

Okay, now on to Samuel’s moment…

This morning I was super sleepy and thought I’d take a little rest on the couch once we got home from dropping Jace off. With Handy Manny blaring, I stretch out on the couch and Samuel is hopping around from snuggling with me, to pushing cars around on the floor, to snacking on his leftover breakfast.

It wasn’t too long that I’d actually dozed off, which I realized, of course, when I woke up. I lay there listening for Samuel… total quietness. Hmmm, what is that little man getting in to?


No answer. No sound. No Samuel.

My heart rate picks up a bit as I start looking through the house.



I run downstairs and check the door. It’s still bolted. Hmmm. Where is he?!

I turn off all the noises and stand quietly in the living room and listen…

…and then I hear it, a giggle! I get on my hands and knees and look under the chair…

…and there he is…

… smiling…

…and blue.


I guess he thought it was art time!

Good thing the marker was the easy-clean variety. Guess no more naps for me. :)

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