Friday, August 20, 2010

Latest Sewing Project

One of the little girls in the neighborhood is having a B-day bash Sunday and I ran out to get her a gift from the boys and found this ultra-cute little baking set. I was feeling rather proud of myself until I realized that I have TWO boys and sure enough either the boys or the little girl would realize that she only had ONE present from TWO boys... no problem, I would just get her an apron!

Only problem was - well two problems - I couldn't find any little girl aprons, and they are super expensive and I have this rule about not spending a certain amount of $ on birthday presents (good grief, there are 13 kids on this block and potentially that many parties!)

Well, I had an "I can" moment and decided that I would just sew up an apron. Not to mention that my dad built me this I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E. work desk and I could break it in! I thought the apron came out okay - and the desk was a fantastic space to work on :)

All folded up - the brown swatch makes a sweet little pocket and the brown/pink/lime green colors are a fun and spunky combination.

A nice big bow in the back!

The front.

And a big Thanks to my little model, who loved the apron so much that I may have to make him a "tool-belt" apron soon!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back in the swing of things

We are slowly getting back into a routine after our adventurous and family-separated summer! The boys had a fantastic time at Nonie and DuDad’s in Alabama, going swimming at the pool and lake, bowling, and visiting the oodles of family there. Then last week, Nana and Papa drove in from Missouri, scooped them up and brought them home to us. The first sight of them was with sun-bleached hair and dark-tanned, skinny little bodies.

A couple days after the boys arrived home, SCHOOL STARTED! Jace is in Mrs. Heers 1st Grade class this year and so far loving it.

One of the best things about school starting is the drive in and the quality time we get to spend with Jace… and the wonderful things he comes up with! Take for instance, this very morning’s conversation…

It started off with Jace asking me what the Civil War was. Now, this question came out of left field and I nearly choked on the sip of coffee as we were flying down the interstate, but I thought I could handle the question. I explained, as simply and with minimal details as possible, that one group of people felt one way, while another group felt a different way, and they ended up fighting over it. He seemed satisfied with my explanation and we chatted some more about other wars, and the fact that there have been many since the beginning of time – we even read about them in the bible. I decided to take this opportunity and do some creative teaching and asked Jace what might be a better way to settle differences (rather than fighting).

“Well Mom, I think the different groups of people should have a game to decide who wins the war. Like the world’s biggest and trickiest game of bowling - whoever wins the game wins the war!”

Ahh, the innocence and intelligence of a 6 (almost 7!)-year-old. Too bad we don’t all have that mentality, the world would be a nicer place and bowling alleys would get a lot more business.