Monday, December 13, 2010

God's Perfect Art

I really do enjoy the time that I get to spend with the boys while driving Jace to and from school. Some mornings/afternoons we listen to music or sing on the drive, but most times Jace is entertaining us (me) with cute, funny, serious, charming, or spiritually uplifting little tidbits and stories.

There have been two really precious things Jace has said that I've been wanting to share, so its time to get them "on paper" so to speak before they leave this forgetful brain of mine.

The Wife ~

One morning out of the blue (its almost always out of the blue) Jace starts talking about growing up and how he wanted to stay with us when he was older - he said he would miss us too much when he went off to college so he would just keep living with us. Ha, we'll see how he feels once he hits the teenage years, but I digress!

So, after explaining that as we reach a certain age its okay for us to move out and away from home he says,

J: "I'll have to move out because I'll get married and have a wife?"
M: "Yep, or when you go to college you might move out."
J: "How do we know who we're going to get married to? Do you think God knows?"
M: "I do think God knows - he knows right now who you're going to marry."
J: "Yep, I think so too because God already told me what her name is. It's Amanda."
M: "Well, okay. Do you know any Amandas?"
J: "Nope."

Well, it seems that one day we all might know an Amanda!

God's Perfect Art ~

(Driving home with all of us in the car - talking about nothing in particular...)
J: "So Dad, do you know what's the greatest art in the world?"
D: "You mean, where is the greatest art?"
J: "No, WHAT he greatest art is?"
D: (confused) "I'm not sure - what is it?"
(This is too precious - and way beyond his years) J: "Humans are the greatest art, because God made us so we are His art. And we are perfect because God makes things perfect."

What a whole lot of wisdom wrapped up in that little perfect piece of artwork :)

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