We are in week three of this quarantine, and even though I am still enjoying our time together, the constant togetherness at home is starting to wear a bit thin in a couple places. The boys miss their friends and being able to go places. So do I.
We loaded up Wednesday and headed off to a hiking trail we had scoped out a week earlier while on a family drive (to get out of the house). We headed off through some very tall pines and along a very easy trail, hiking about a mile before reaching the first overlook to the Cahaba River. The second overlook was another quarter mile down the trail and a bit more challenging to reach (uphill!), but we made it and enjoyed a break of PB&J sandwiches and water.
Baloo also made the trip since he’s a great trail dog – Callie is NOT good on a leash nor on a trail so she guards the house with extra jerky snacks when we make these trips.
Nature is a pretty amazing cure for most ailments, especially the cabin-fever we were all facing.
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