Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Yesterday on my way home from dropping the kiddo off at school, I pull into our neighborhood and see a strange dog - we are sort of isolated from other neighborhoods here so we weren't sure where she came from. After knocking on doors and talking to housing we confirmed that she was lost. A couple people had already called animal control to come pick her up, so I told them she could just hang out at my house until then and play with my Logan. She was a sweeeeet dog and her and Logan wrestled and played for a solid hour. I had to text Brian and tell him that Logan was acting like a hormonal teenage boy, haha! Of course, the honeymoon ended when Logan's muscles and joints started aching and he's sorely limping around today, poor dog! 

Anyway, no one ever came from animal control and she ended up staying last night. Of course both boys and I fell in love with her. And then at 10 pm I went to get something out of the car and out the door she went! I couldn't catch her as she bolted up the street, so I just left the back gate open and hoped she would be okay. She was at the back door barking at 5 am! 

She is a very well-groomed and obviously taken care of pet, so after dropping off the boys I took to a local vet and they were able to find a microchip and called her owner. Yep, I balled like a baby saying goodbye to her, and I'm NOT looking forward to telling Jace when I pick him up from school that she went home - I'm preparing for a monsoon. 

Come to find out, her name is Maui. 

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