The South Florida State Fair has been in town for a couple weeks now and yesterday was our last opportunity to all go as a family, so we picked up the Jace-bug from school and headed right over. It was a blast!
We had to check out the rides first of course, and my boys sure are little wild things! We did some of the tame rides, not because they wanted to, but because our little shrimpy is JUST BARELY tall enough to ride them. But we hit jackpot with a couple that he could go on - and let me just say that I wouldn't go on them (oh yeah, I didn't)!
After some rides, we headed over to check out some of the traditional "Fair" things, like the chickens, rabbits and cows of course. The Mooternity was all abuzz with a momma cow preparing to have a calf. Now, let me just say that when a Momma gives birth that LAST thing she wants is a bunch of people standing around watching you huff and puff and grunt while all kinds of less-than-flattering-things happen to you, and I think that cows sort of feel the same way.
We left the rest of the gawkers, but not before Jace requests (over and over) to stay and watch and question why we can't. I told him that it was too gross for them. What else could I say?!?! I was soooo not ready to have to answer birthing questions.
Next we went over to see the baby calves and happened across a very small, very pretty gray calf. As we were looking at her this incredibly beautiful little girl with pink rain boots and a sparkly smile comes hopping over to tell us that this is her calf and her name is Isabelle (too cute). So, in typical Jace style, he strikes up a lengthy convo with her that eventually leads to, "So, we're heading over to the rides now - I'll see you over there?" I think he may have even winked. The kid is such a lovable little flirt.
We did head back to the rides and did the traditional Hannum Ferris Wheel Ride which I basically close my eyes and try not to breath as we are swung 150-feet in the sky by a machine that I'm not entirely sure has had the proper preventative maintenance performed and run by part-timers. Yep, I'm not too fond of heights. Based on Jace's expression, I don't think he is either!
Samuel on the other hand...
But we survived! Oh, and we took this picture several times and Samuel wouldn't cooperate any of them so that's why you don't see him :)
We finished up the Fair with easily one of the best parts of going - the food! - and was treated to yummy corn dogs and fried ribbon potatoes. Oh, and funnel cake or course!