Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Party

Yesterday was the station Christmas party and it was as wonderful as the guy who set it up, known to me as Mr. Hannum, but to the station as BM1 Hannum or the morale officer ;)

It took a lot of planning and an unbelievable amount of work on his part, including a gazillion phone calls, meetings, setting up everything, taking down everything, and finally tonight getting everything clean and back to original homes (well, he did have some help in the set up / break down / cleaning part)! This year's party was held at housing under the banyan tree on the just-finished deck - and it was breathtakingly beautiful with the uplights highlighting the tree and the flickering candles on the tables.

I am so proud of the incredible job Mr. H did! About 60 people came, the food was hot and yummy, the dj was really good, and the party lasted past midnight - not too shabby but we were pretty exhausted today! Mr. H did get himself a Coast Guard tervis coffee mug during the white elephant which he really wanted and is super happy about it - but the best part of the eveing was when he finally was able to enjoy himself and dance with his wifey ;)

Here's a shot of the deck just before it started...

...and the centerpieces we had to do on the cheeeaaap haha!

Merry Christmas!

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