On our way to school this morning Mr. Jace is in his usual non-stop mode and then at a red light squeals in delight as he spots some change on the floorboard. He grabs at it, discovers more (probably because my change jar spilled and money is EVERYWHERE) and proceeds to count it up. 76 cents - he is thrilled. Then he tells me that he is going to take it to class and put it in the jar for Haiti. When we get to school I hand him a baggie of more change (its our toll money, that's why its there!) and he thrilled, "WOW MOM! The jar is going to overflow now!"
Isn't it amazing what a little change can do?
I resisted the urge to take a nap after dropping Mr. Jace off at school and got to work straightening the kitchen, which included putting away yesterday's groceries.
Have you ever bought something just because it was on sale? Yep, me too all the time. Last night we went by a sale on cake mix - $.97! We probably overdid it, especially when I realized this morning that in the cupboard we already had 1 cake mix, 4 tubs icing, 2 packages brownies, 2 packages sugar cookies, and 1 chocolate chip mix. Oh, and somewhere in there is some pudding too.

Hmm, there is a reason I can't lose weight, why is it again...?
In the middle of the cake conundrum, I spotted a boxtop (see it in the photo?) and remembered the note Mr. Jace's sweet teacher sent home just yesterday about getting them in THIS WEEK. Each month the school has a contest - the class that brings in the most gets a dress down day. I keep forgetting to send my collection in. And Jace's class has not won yet. But that's going to change this month! After scoring and tearing, cutting and stuffing, I think we may have a chance. Hopefully the other forgetful K5 mommies remember to send theirs in tomorrow too.

Of course after all the WORK got done (well, it's not done... started though) I got to hang out with my favorite toddler. How can anyone resist this face?

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