Of course, being the stellar Mommy I am, I dutifully toss a chuckle his way, but I have been also known to call him out on it (that's the NON-stellar Mommy coming out!). Here's his jokes today on the way home from school...
Jace: Knock, knock.
me: Who's there?
Jace: Car.
me: Car who?
Jace: Car I'm going to blow up into the sky! BAAHAAHAA!
Jace: Don't you think it was funny Mom?
me: Umm... well... no, not really Honey. But keep working on it okay?!
Jace: (undeterred) Okay. Knock, knock.
me: Who's there?
Jace: Powerline.
me: Powerline (?) who?
Jace: Powerline me up up so I don't get electrocuted! BAAHAAHAA!
Oy vey. Not so sure he's going to make it as a stand-up comedian... good thing he's got those good looks working for him!

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