It seems we are back in the normal swing of things. Wake up. Rush about. Drive to school. Home. Play and hang out - sometimes nap. Pick up Jace. Have funny conversations. Do homework. Play outside. Get filthy playing outside. Take baths. Eat dinner. Watch Challenge. Go to bed. Go to bed, again. Go to bed AGAIN - threats issued. Nine hours later, repeat.
Tonight when Jace went to bed (after stalling for 30 minutes) Samuel (who went to bed 45 minutes earlier, but OBVIOUSLY did not go to sleep) started screaming. It actually sounded serious so I went in to check and he was pointing to the floor between the wall and his bed, where one of his trucks had fallen. The silly thing goes to sleep, not with soft stuffed animals, but with hard metal trucks. Got the truck and tucked him in and everything was all dandy.
So I went to tuck Jace in and was informed that... "Mom, I am a grown boy now, not a little boy. I am going to sleep like a grown boy now, so you don't have to tuck me in anymore."
Jace and I did have a rather funny moment earlier today on the way home. I was telling him that Aunt Katie was in the hospital today to have the baby, and Jace asked if Virginia had been born yet. I told him no, but that she was all ready to be born - and was trying to figure out how to explain labor to a 6-year-old and started off, "Virginia is all ready to be born, we're just waiting for Aunt Katie to..."
Jace: "Burst?"